Exotrail wins European Commission Grant
We are very pleased to announce that we just received a support from the European Commission. The Instrument SME - Phase 1 is a grant awarded within the Horizon 2020 (H2020) program. This 50k€ funding is extremely competitive and awarded to about 8.4% of the applicant projects (2017 data). It will help us to further accelerate our development program through the funding of business and technical validity studies.
Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme, will support 257 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 31 countries with €12.65 million of funding under this cut-off of the SME instrument. Each SME will receive €50,000 to prepare feasibility assessment plans, known as phase 1 of the SME instrument. The companies will also receive coaching and business acceleration services. The Instrument SME - Phase 2's award can fund project from 0.5 to 2.5M€.
Read more about : https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/european-innovation-council-pilot-support-257-smes-eu13-million-2018-apr-05_en
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